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Everything you need to create 3-D VRML Worlds on the Internet!

Everything else is virtually flat.



3-D Website Builder is the easiest WYSIWYG way to create the coolest "Virtual World" site on the Web without programming. Unlike flat HTML pages, VRML Worlds created with 3-D Website Builder allow visitors to walkthrough your site and virtually see where they're going and where they've been.

This life-like spatial quality makes it easier and more exciting for visitors to navigate without getting lost among hundreds of flat pages. In addition, a 3-D World is several times more efficient than a flat Web page since each 3-D room has at least six 2-D surfaces to place content. Also, with Virtus' patented technology, a well designed Virtus virtual world is often as fast to access over the Internet as a graphical 2-D Web page--nearly eliminating the bandwidth constraints usually associated with on-line 3-D virtual reality.

With 3-D Website Builder you can design your own virtual store, create a virtual family photo hall of fame, give the press access to your virtual press room, allow your distant family to take a virtual walk-through of your new house, encourage visitors to tour your virtual trade show, invite exploration of your virtual 3-D campus and more.

3-D Website Builder exports to VRML and includes a major feature subset of the award winning Virtus WalkThrough Pro ($684 recommended retail price) with an easier drag-and-drop interface and six of the Virtus Galleries worth over $400--all for $199!

Ease of Use
Intuitive drag-and-drop graphical user interface makes creating and editing 3-D Web sites fast, easy and fun.
Supports VRML Standard
Supports shading, in-line objects, textures, levels of detail, WWW anchor and more.
Multi-Platform CD-ROM
The single CD contains separate optimised versions for Windows '95, Windows 3.1, Macintosh and Power Macintosh. The program file formats are also compatible across Mac and PC platforms.
Free Virtus Voyager™
The world's first cross-platform VRML browser, Virtus Voyager, is included FREE with each package. Works as a helper application with Netscape Navigator™.
Free Virtus Galleries
Includes six professional 3-D clipart galleries (valued at $67 each -- worth over $400) with over 500 pre-built objects. Also includes sample 3-D Web templates with HTML links, images and more!
Special Bonus
Includes exclusive virtual reality worlds such as Virtual Las Vegas, Washington D.C., Undersea World, and more!
Competitive Position
With the advent of the Internet and VRML, Virtus released the world's first shipping VRML modelling software for desktop computers, Virtus WalkThrough Pro, version 2.5.1.

Now, with an even easier drag-and-drop interface, 3-D Website Builder is the first cross-platform product specifically designed to build entire 3-D VRML Worlds and environments on the Internet.

Unlike other soon-to-be-released VRML programs that can only create boxy, simplistic walls or merely make 3-D objects that you can manipulate, 3-D Website Builder allows you to create entire on-line "worlds" using patented technology that only Virtus can provide. When it's time to add true real-life walk-through dimension to your site, 3-D Website Builder is the only real solution --everything else is virtually flat.

Windows '95 or Windows 3.1
80486-based PC
(Pentium or later recommended)
8 Mb RAM (16 Mb+ recommended)
10 Mb disk space
Macintosh, Power Macintosh
Apple Macintosh PowerBook, Centris, Quadra or Power Macintosh
8 Mb RAM (16 Mb+ recommended)
System 6.0.5 or later
10 Mb disk space
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