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Data Glove 16 / 16-W

5DT Data Glove 16 / 5DT Data Glove 16-W



High Quality finger-bend glove

The 5DT Data Glove 16 measures finger flexure (2 sensors per finger) as well as the abduction between fingers. The system interfaces with the computer via a cable to the serial port (RS 232 - platform independent). It features an autocalibration function, 8-bit flexure and abduction resolution, extreme comfort, low drift and an open architecture.

The 5DT Data Glove 16-W is the wireless (untethered) version of the 5DT Data Glove 16. The system interfaces with the computer via a radio link (up to 20m distance) on the serial port (RS 232).


pdficon.gif (224 bytes) 5DT Data Glove series information


Affordable quality Platform independent - RS-232 interface
Extreme comfort"One size fits many" Low drift
High update rate Right & Left hand versions available
8-bit flexure resolution per finger Bundled software
Abduction sensors
(No tilt sensor)
Support for VR world building programs including Themekit VREK, Superscape VRT and Sense8.
Wireless version 16-W USB adaptor available


A body instrument package developed specifically for the 5th Glove. It converts finger flexure and hand orientation to music using MIDI commands, which can the be played out by any MIDI device e.g. a sound card. A virtual piano, horn, trumpet and drum set are already available as input controls which can be mapped to any MIDI instrument existing on either your MIDI compatible sound card or external synthesizer.

Mouse Emulation
A utility that emulates a standard Microsoft serial mouse on the hardware level. Default hand gestures have been defined to emulate left and right button clicks as well as double clicks. The glove will retain any user defined gestures and continue to operate as a mouse until the power is cycled.

Glove View
Demo program illustrating some of the applications of the 5th Glove. This program utilizes a 3-D manipulation scheme which enables a user to navigate a virtual world and to manipulate objects with gesture recognition.

Developer's Software


Bend Sensing Method Fully-Enclosed Fiber Optic Bend Sensors
Number of Sensors 14 (two flexure sensors per finger and 4 abduction sensors)
Resolution Minimum 8-bits per finger
Output Interface Serial Port, RS-232 (3-wire)
19.2 kbaud (full duplex)
Wireless frequency Right-handed wireless glove: 418MHz
Left-handed wireless glove: 433.92MHz
Wireless range 30m
Sampling Rate 100Hz per hand
Glove Fitting Right & Left Hand versions; "One size fits many"
Calibration Routine Open & Close hand; each user
Software Bundled Windows 32 bit DLL w/installation routines, Mouse Emulation, Raw Data Viewer, polygonal graphics hand model with C++ source code, KineMusica MIDI output program.
Power Supply 9V DC Center Positive


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