InterSense worked directly
with the Microsoft development team to integrate native support into
Flight Simulator 2002.
With the release of Flight Sim 2002, Microsoft has allowed an expected 4
million users to become fully immersed into the "world's most successful
PC game". After a recent visit with the Flight Sim team in Seattle, the
InterTrax inertial head tracker was quickly integrated into the new
version and can now be used to control the pilot's point of view in the
"Virtual Cockpit" mode. With the combination of a HMD, the user can now
become fully immersed in the cockpit and view the world as a real pilot
in a full 360 degrees.
Along with the consumer market, numerous military departments and pilot
training schools utilize this program as a cost efficient training
simulator for beginning pilots. The combination of the InterTrax and a
SVGA HMD will allow
them to take the simulation one step further without a great deal of
As of January 1st, 2002, all InterTrax USB trackers delivered will be
fully compatible with the game. A quick start guide for use with the
program is included with the InterTrax CD.
Have fun!